Choose and Store Fish to Stay Fresh

By. Nevanda - 22 Feb 2023

img - Fish is a type of food that can be easily spoiled. If you are bringing fish home after your fishing trip, keep your catch alive so that it is stay fresh much longer. Usually you would use a stringer, fish basket or boat live but it is fine just for short periods. The best way to make your fish stay fresh is store them in the box of ice. You can also apply it when you buy live or fresh fish from the market.

When you are planning to prepare the fish, you should first examine for its freshness. Fresh fish should have red or bright pink gills and still moist. You don’t want the fish with the white or dull pink and slimy gill. If you smell the fish, its odor should not be excessive and the eyes should look fresh and clear. If the eye is opaque that’s means the fish are not fresh. Fresh fish will have a firm meat when you touch it.


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In order to saving storage space you can do a fillet to your fish, so you just keep an edible part of the fish. A good knife to use as a fillet knife should has a long, thin, flexible blade and you should keep it sharp. Make sure you have a smooth, flat board to use as a cutting surface when you are going to fillet the fish.

Fish will taste best if they are cooked as soon as possible after they are caught. You can keep fish in a refrigerator but it only can be store up to two days. If you don’t want to cook it after two days of purchasing day, you better keep in frozen in the freezer. Make sure to scaling and clean it first before you store it. Clean fish helps prevent the fish to getting perish quickly. 


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One of the way to freezing it is to submerge the fish or the fillet completely in a container of cold water. You can also use plastic freezer bags, freezer containers and paper milk cartons for the freezing packages. Tightly seal the container and freeze it. This method helps to preserves the fine flavour of your fish.

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