Fish Quality Assessment: Sensory Methods

By. Najih - 28 Feb 2023


Fish Quality Assessment: Sensory Methods


Quality is the degree of acceptability by consumer and also involves safety aspects. Certification of fish requires sampling and sensory assessment of freshness and quality from raw material at the landing sites, during processing, until finish good at storage or prior to shipment. Methods to assess the quality of fish include:

1. Sensory methods

2. Biochemical and chemical methods

3. Physical methods

4. Microbiological methods

Now be discussed about sensory methods.

Sensory methods are used to assess the degree of freshness based on organoleptic characteristics such as general consistency of appearance, odor, flavor, and texture. Sensory methods have advantages that it can be adapted by the human being easily.

With reference to SNI 2729:2013, the organoleptic value requirement for fish is at least 7. If the score less than 7 means defect that caused by decomposed, unwholesome, and dehydration (freezer burn). Here is an example of scoring at PT Kelola Laut Nusantara :


9 very fresh, strong specific species

8 fresh, specific species

7 fresh, less specific

6 neutral

5 slight sour smell

3 strong sour smell

1 strong rotten smell

Be continued to second methods: Biochemical and chemical methods ...

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