By. Najih - 28 Jul 2023

img - The HACCP team consisting of individuals who have specific knowledge and expertise appropriate to the product and process. The team should be multi-disciplinary and included on the HACCP team including production, cleaning, maintenance, management, packing, stores, customer service, and supply management. The HACCP team should meet the following key criteria: members of the team should be drawn from all relevant areas of the business and from all relevant staff levels, the team should possess adequate technical knowledge to identify relevant hazards and appropriate controls, the team should also include members with sufficient practical knowledge of the process to advise on the practicalities of implementing such controls, and members of the team should be provided with sufficient training and management support to allow them to participate freely in the HACCP team. It is important to bear in mind the need for efficient team dynamics. A large number of team members could easily lead to regular absences at team meetings which can obviously retard team discussions and decisions on tasks that have been assigned to the various team members.

Separate roles into the following groups:

  • Administrative – Members of the administrative group will be responsible for ensuring that the HACCP process is completed in a logical way and adequately documented.
  • Technical – Members of this group will have a detailed understanding of food science, technology and hygiene as well as a good knowledge of HACCP.
  • Operational – Members of this group should have a detailed knowledge of how the business operates in practice.
  • Other – Additional expertise should be recruited into the HACCP team as necessary. 

Maintaining the HACCP Team

Education and training are important factors in creating and maintaining an effective HACCP team. The HACCP team leader will analysis to the determine level of training required for individuals and different roles. They are likely to require initial training, especially for those new to the HACCP system, and ongoing training to maintain competency. Additional training may be necessary to develop new skills to support administrative and maintenance functions such as project management, auditing, conflict resolution, etc. Audit standards may also require refresher training for members of the team whose certificates have expired.

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